Welcome to Journey to Health. Having found this website, you likely have been struggling with symptoms of Lyme disease, other vector-borne pathogens, and/or post-Covid symptoms. Please know that you can feel better. There is hope.
Lyme Magnetic Protocol (LMP) Therapy and Post-Covid Magnetic Protocol Therapy are unique and powerful treatments developed by Joan Randall of Integrative Wellness. They are based on Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, a natural healing alternative.
Tick-borne pathogens can hide. We all know the chickenpox virus can remain in your nerve cells and appear later as shingles. Mononucleosis as a child can be latent for years before reactivating as Epstein Barr. It's a similar situation with tick-borne pathogens. By placing magnets in precisely paired locations on the body, this creates an inhospitable environment that causes these tick-borne pathogens to come out of hiding and be recognized and ultimately attacked by your immune system. Post-Covid symptoms mimic Lyme Disease. This work is currently effective and supportive of the symptoms we are currently seeing.
Lyme Magnetic Protocol Therapy and Post-Covid Magnetic Protocol Therapy can rid the body of pathogens and co-infections. These therapies can boost energy and overall health. They can improve organ function. They can decrease inflammation and pain. They can promote detoxification. They can make you feel like yourself again.