"I began seeing Dawn Niles for Magnetic Therapy in 2022 when, in spite of traditional and herbal medical treatment, I continued to experience periodic episodes of Lyme-like symptoms such as pain and tingling in my feet, joint pain, feeling short of breath, body aches, headaches, irritability and poor concentration. I began feeling relief after the first session and continued to improve after each subsequent treatment. Dawn found that I had exposure to multiple tick borne illnesses as well as other pathogens. Every session was relaxing and restorative. Over months, as Dawn treated each pathogen in its turn, I began to truly feel healthy for the first time since Lyme diagnosis in 2009. Today I am symptom free and once again enjoying a very active life." ~L.B., Vermont
"Biomagnetic therapy is absolutely amazing and has completely transformed my life! When I started seeing Dawn for my health issues, I was dealing with a whole range of symptoms that I thought were part of menopause and the stress of living through a pandemic. But deep down, I knew there was something more going on. Imagine my relief when I found out I had Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, West Nile virus, and several other co-infections, including SFTS - a virus I had never even heard of before!
After eight months of bi-weekly sessions with Dawn, my symptoms have practically disappeared! For nearly three years, I struggled with fatigue, insomnia, headaches, body swelling, neck stiffness, and more. But thanks to Dawn's skilled work with biomagnetics, I feel like a whole new woman! The moment she cleared the SFTS virus, it was like I was seeing the world through a fresh pair of eyes. I felt lighter, more relaxed, slept better, and my mood improved drastically. All those feelings of being off and angry just melted away.
I never went the western medical route for my symptoms, so I can't compare, but if you're looking for a treatment that works hand in hand with your body's natural energy systems, and you want to work with a qualified, caring, and empathetic healer, Dawn is the real deal! She has truly changed my life and brought back my vitality and joy. I cannot recommend her highly enough!" ~J.R., Vermont
“Before seeing Dawn, I suffered from migraines for years. I did all the “conventional” treatments and went through numerous prescriptions to find relief knowing that a cure was not possible. I could not have been more wrong about finding a cure. After several sessions with Dawn, I noticed a significant decline in the number of migraines I was having each week and then they stopped. I have not had a single migraine in months. I also was not sleeping very well either. I could fall asleep but never stay asleep and was always tired, exhausted and had no energy. Like the migraines, that all changed as well after she found and cleared several tick related pathogens and metals in my body. Dawn and her magnetic therapy has given me my life back!”
~ A.W., Vermont
"WOW! I feel better already. I actually have some energy. Thank you!"~L.G., Vermont
"I've had issues with depression for much of my adult life. Over the last few months that I've been undergoing treatment with Dawn I can say that, while I wouldn't consider myself cured, it has helped greatly and I have experienced several days where I just feel amazing mentally. That is not a feeling I'm accustomed to, so it was a little difficult to process. I'm very skeptical of this type of treatment, but I cannot pinpoint any external reason for these recent bouts of joy, so I have to attribute it to Dawn's work. In addition to the benefits to my mental health, Dawn provides a very comfortable space to be treated in. The space is very comfortable and Dawn is overflowing with positive energy. Thank you, Dawn!" ~ S.H., Vermont